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When did the first printing press come to India and write a brief story of its growth ?

In 1517 Martin luther, the religious reformer wrote Ninety - Five Themes criticizing the corrupt practice of the Catholic Church (prevailing those days ) and pasted these (themes ) on the Church door in Wittenberg. Very soon thousands of copies of Luther's themes were printed spreading his progressive ideas among the people of Italy and other parts of Europe. Martin luther was deeply impressed by realizing the power of printing which brought religious re - information movement in Europe and after on world.
The Roman Catholic Church had to face many dissents from mid - 16 th century onwards. People had written many books that interpreted the God and the creation in their own ways. Therefore, the Church banned such books and kept their record. It was called the Index of prohibited books.
Print and popular literature encouraged many distinctive interpretations of religious faiths and ideas. In the 16th century, Monocchio, a miller in Italy began to read books available readily in his locality. He gave a new interpretation of the Bible, and formulated a view of God and creation that angered the Roman Catholic Church.
As a result manocchio was hauled up twice, and ultimately executed when the Roman Church began its inquisition, and to repress the interpretical ideas. After this several control measures were imposed on publishers and booksellers. In 1558, the Roman Church decided to maintain an Index of prohibited books.

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