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Discuss the role of some professional factors in bringing the reading mania in Europe during 17th and 18th centuries ?

Role of professional factos in bringing the reading mania in Europe :

Professional factors comprised in contemporary society of Europe, professionals like priests, teachers / preceptors and publishing industry as a whole. Therefore their institutions of working i.e. Church, schools, printing and publishing houses played distinguished role in giving birth to reading mania injected in popular minds.

These factors began printing popular literature comprising folk - songs, fables, tales, comics etc. It made their selling at bulk scale also rising up their share of profit in the trade. They did not care after - effects of obsene, obscure, rumours upon society. Such tendency was criticised by Erasmus, a Latin scholar and it was punished through inquisition by the church there. For example penny chap books in England and Biliotheque Bleue were books in that category so condemned by scholars.

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