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An experiment for Osmosis by potato osmoscope.Please explain it with a diagram. |
AIM: To demonstrate the principle of osmosis with the help of a living system. MATERIALS REQUIRED: Potato, beaker with water and strong sugar solution. PROCEDURE: Potato tuber is taken and its one end is cut to make it flat. At the other end of the potato, a cylindrical cavity is made. Strong sugar solution is poured into the cavity of the potato. This initial level is marked with the help of a ball pin. This set up is called potato osmoscope or potato osmometer. This potato osmoscope is placed in a beaker containing colored water. OBSERVATION: After a few hours, the sugar solution rises within the osmoscope and gets colored. INFERENCE: The reason for the rise in the sugar solution is osmosis. This movement of water molecules towards the higher concentration solution through a membrane is osmosis. The potato cell membrane acts as the semi-permeable membrane.