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who discovered gravitation and why?

Gravity was discovered 3 centuries ago by a mathematician and physicist named Sir Isaac Newton. He discovered that there is a specific force,which we call gravity, that is required to change the speed or direction of something that is moving. This same force he figured must cause apples to fall from trees! After researching this hypothesis he wrote the law of gravity. This law is a mathematical explanation for the way that things attract based on experiments and observations.

A Brief History of Gravity

I always thought that the story behind great scientific discoveries is fascinating; and who can ignore the discovery of gravity, the very first of all discoveries that were about to come. So I decided to present my understanding on how gravity (along with astronomy) came into existence, beginning with the ancient Greeks and ending with Einstein, who summed up all previous efforts into one elegant theory.

Keep in mind that this is not a story about the science; it is a story about the people behind it.

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