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Plants are life forms belonging to the kingdom Plantae  The scientific study has revealed at least 500,000 species of plants. The  type of plants vary in size from microscopic algae, to huge sequoia trees more than 8m (26 ft) tall.

  Plants are generally classified as

Angiospermae (Angiosperms)     Plants which produce flowers.
Gymnospermae (Gymnosperms)     Plants which don't produce flowers.
SUBCLASS     Dicotyledonae (Dicotyledons, Dicots)     Plants with two seed leaves.
Monocotyledonae (Monocotyledons, Monocots)     Plants with one seed leaf.

 The plant kingdom can also be classified on the basis of the presence or absence of conductive (vascular) tissue.

Ferns (pteridophytes), gymnosperms and angiosperms have vascular tissue which transports the nutrients and water throughout the plant. They are collectively known as tracheophytes.

Mosses, liverworts, hornworts (bryophytes) are non-vascular i.e. they do not have conductive tissue to transport sugar, water and nutrients.

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