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Matter is the physical material of the universe..
Matter is everything around you.
Matter is anything made of atoms and molecules.
Matter is anything that has mass (weight) and volume (takes up space).

What is and is not matter
Matter is everything and anything that is not energy, space, or time. Matter makes up everything from the mountains to the oceans to the human body. The things that are not matter are :
1) energy - electromagnetism, light, heat
2) space - the area matter and energy exist in, like the area between two walls or between stars
3) time - the progressive activities of things as they happen

Three basic states of matter
A solid has a fixed volume and shape, although it can be altered.
The molecules of a liquid are practically fixed in their volume and density, but not their shape. The molecules of a liquid can move around to fill a volume.
The least dense state, which has no fixed volume or shape, but can be changed in density (pressure) by changing its amount or its volume

The other two, uncommon states of matter are plasma (extremely hot, ionized gas) and Bose-Einstein condensates (extremely cold, condensed gas).

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