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Oxidation reaction involves addition of oxygen to a substance or removal of hydrogen from a substance .
Example 1 : 2CuO  +O2  _________> 2CuO 
In the above reaction copper gains oxygen ,thus oxidation of copper to copper oxide takes place .
Example 2: 2KI  +H2O2  _________> 2KOH  +I2
Potassium iodide loses electropositive radical potassium and therefore oxidised to iodine. This is an oxidation reaction which involves removal of an electropositive element .

Reduction reaction involves removal of oxygen from a compound or addition of hydrogen to a compound .
Example 1 : CuO +H2  __________> Cu +H2O
Here copper oxide loses oxygen ,thus reduction of copper oxide to copper takes place .
Example 2  : 2HgCl2  +SnCl2 _______> Hg2Cl2 +SnCl4
Here mercury [II] chloride gains electropositive radical mercury to form 
mercury [I]chloride .This is a reduction reaction which involves addition of eletropositive element .

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