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Of all the major advances in physics from about 1900 onwards special relativity is the only one that can be reasonably well understood in its entirety without recourse to mathematics beyond that of high school level. However, like all physics special relativity has at its base a precise set of mathematical formulas from which predictions can be made and tested against experimental results. It will come as no surprise then that time dilation has a precise mathematical formula. This is it: There is a set of twins, one an astronaut,
the other works for mission control of NASA. The astronaut leaves on a deep
space trip traveling at 95% the speed of light. Upon returning the astronauts
clock has measured ten years, so the astronaut has aged 10 years.
However, when the astronaut reunites with his earth bound twin, the astronaut sees that the twin
has aged 32 years! This is explained due to the fact that the astronaut's twin
is traveling at relativistic speeds and therefore his "clock" is
slowed down. |