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how rabbits communicate each other? |
Ans: Rabbits communicate with body language and sounds (vocalizations).Some of the known techniques are mentioned below : Thumping Legs (back foot): Warning other rabbits about danger or hunters. Smelling Rabbits: Getting information about the other rabbits. Scraping the floor with claws: Warning to other rabbits means don't mess with me. Spitting: Aggresion Crouching: ears flat eyes bulging its trying to hide from a hunter Tiptoeing: Uncertain and worried about its surroundings Tail Upright: a girl rabbit (Doe) lifts her tail when ready for mating Spraying urine: a buck (male rabbit ) will spray urine to establish hutch ownership Lookout Position: stands on high legs to see farther and eyes stay alert Cooing: A doe (female rabbit) may coo to her young to make them feel relaxed and secure. |