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WHAT ROLE DOES GOVERNMENT PLAY IN WATER POLLUTION ? Prefecture governments are playing very important roles in
environmental water quality management. Their responsibilities include
establishing more stringent standards. Inspection of specified
factories, and regulating effluents discharged from factories. They are
also responsible for establishing and implementing environmental water
quality monitoring programs within their justification. Aside from prefecture governments. city governments in71cities specified in the
Water Pollution Control Law as “designated cities” are empowered to
inspect and regulate effluent discharges of factories in their
respective areas . Water quality monitoring is conducted in rivers four times a day throughout the year. Four times a day, i.e., every six hours, river water samples are taken to determine the daily and seasonal fluctuation of flow rates and water quality. Seasonal changes in water quality are monitored in lakes since obvious daily changes in lake water quality are seldom observed. Pollution control measures undertaken by prefecture governments include: