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population of kerala |
Malappuram is the most populated district and has a population of 41,10,956 people. Second comes Thiruvananthapuram with a population of 33,07,284 people followed by Ernakulam with 32,79,860 people. Wayanad is the least populated district followed by Idukki and Kasargod. Whereas, Thiruvananthapuram with a population density of 1509 persons per sq.km is the most densely populated district in Kerala followed by Alappuzha with 1501 people per sq.km and Kozhikode with 1318 persons per sq.km. Idukki with a density of just 254 persons per sq.km is the least densely populated district followed by Wayanad with a density of 383 persons. The average density of population of the state is 819 persons per sq.km. |