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chemical properties of non metals

Based on their properties elements are classified into metals and nonmetals .Of these known elements, 22 are non-metals . All the metallic elements (except mercury ) are solids where as 11 non-metals are gases,one is a liquid bromine  and the remaining non-metals are solids .

  Metals : Metals are generally in solid state . Metals are those elements which can be drawn into sheets(malleable) or pulled into wires(ductile) ,have high densities and high tensile strength and are good conductors of heat and electricity .Metals are hard,lustrous,,have high melting and boiling points and are good conductors of heat and electricity .Metals are sonorous (make ringing sound) .

 Nonmetals: Elements which are brittle solids or liquids or gases ,not hard,non-malleable,non ductile,non tensile,have low melting and boiling points ,bad conductors of heat and electricity and are non sonorous are non-metals .

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