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Performa of Profit and Loss Account

Expenses / Losses (Dr.)


Revenue / Gain (Cr.)


To Gross Loss-transferred from trading A/c (if any)

To Salaries or Salaries and Wages

To Rent, rates and taxes or office rent

To Godown rent or storage or ware-housing

To Office expenses or establishment

To Miscellaneous expenses or sundry expenses

To Insurance

To Stationery

To Printing and stationery

To Staff welfare expenses

To Lighting

To Water and Electricity

To Establishment expenses

To Postage and telegrams

To E-mail and Fax charges

To Courier service charges

To Telephone expenses

To Law charges or law cost or litigation expenses or legal charges

To Repairs and renewals

To Travelling expenses

To Carriage on freight outward

To Interest paid expenses

To Discount allowed expenses

To Bad Debts, provision for bad debts, etc.

To Depreciation

To Interest on Capital

To Bank Charges

To Commission Paid

To Advertisement

To Sales Tax paid

To Loss on sale of assets

To Net Profit-Transfered to Capital A/c (If credit side exceeds debit side) - Balancing figure

By Gross Profit transferred from trading A/c

By Interest received or interest on investment

By rent received

By Discount received

By Commission received

By Dividends received

By Profit from sale of assets

By Refund of Tax

By Interest on drawings

By Bad debts recovered

By Miscellaneous receipts

By Appreciation in the value of assets

By Income from investments

By Reserve for bad and doubtful debts

By Net Loss-Transferred to Capital A/c (If debit side exceeds credit side) - Balancing figure



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