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Why is the need for water increasing day by day?Explain 3 reasons |
(1) Rapidly Growing Population: The number of rivers, lakes, etc. is the same everywhere. The amount of water in huge water bodies is rather decreasing day by day due to less rainfall. At the same time the amount of water required to meet the demand of the population is more. This leads to water scarcity, (2) Demand for food and cash crops: With the new innovative methods of fanning, modern scientific tools, more and more lands have been brought under agriculture. This needs more water for farming especially for the cash and food crops. (3) Urbanisation: Due to industrial growth more and more industrial towns have come up with more populations in it. The industrial towns need a lot of water for various purposes. (d) Rising standard of Living: Due to various open Economic Policies, Liberalisation and Globalization, the economy of our country is growing at a fast-rate. This has helped in increase of standard of living. As the standard of living rises there is more demand of water for various purposes. |