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Take the example of Carlos Smith and Norman ,and explain how social difference divide similar people from one another but also unit one different people |
Every social difference does not lead to social division Because Social differences divide similar people from one another, but they also unite very different people. People belonging to different social groups share differences and similarities cutting across the boundaries of their groups. Example: In the instance of Carlos and Smith, they were similar in one way (both were African-American) and thus different from Norman who was white. But they were also all similar in other ways – they were all athletes who stood against racial discrimination. In 1968, Olympics held at Mexico city, in the medal ceremony of 200m race, where gold and bronze medals were won by the AFRICAN –AMERICANS & the silver was bagged by the white. In the ceremony Tommie Smith & John Carlos (African- Americans)stood on the dice with clenched fists upraised & heads bowed while the American anthem was played. They received their medals wearing black socks & no shoes to represent ‘BLACK POVERTY.’ The silver medalist, white Australian athlete, Peter Norman, wore human rights badge on his shirt to show his support to the two Americans. They meant to symbolize the Black Power They wanted to draw the international attention to racial discrimination in the United states a) The International Olympics Association held Carlos & Smith guilty of violating the Olympic spirit by making a political statement. b)their medals were taken back. c) back home they were subjected to lot of criticism. d) Norman too suffered for his action & was not included in the Australian team in the next Olympics. e) but their action did succeed in getting international attention for the Civil Rights Movement in the US. |