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how to find log and anti-log ?full procedure???

Eg:- find log(413.9)

log(413.9) starts with '2.' That number to the left of the decimal point is known as the 'characteristic'.

Now to the table to get the decimal portion. Look down the left hand column
of the table for 41 and find the table entry under the column headed 3
(that's the 3rd. digit in your number). Keep your finger on that number (6160),
and read the number (9) under 9 (the last digit of your number) in the columns on the right.
Add the 9 on to the 6160 giving 6169 as the decimal portion (mantissa) of your logarithm.
Your complete logarithm is 2.6169

Find the antilog of 1.0913.

The number before the decimal point is 1, the number of zeros after the decimal point is zero.
From the antilog table, read off the row for .09 and column of 1; the number given in the table is 1233.
The mean difference in the same row and under the column 3 is 1. To get the inverse of mantissa add 1233 + 1 = 1234.
Now place a decimal point before the first digit and you get the number 0.1234.

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