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the responsibilities of media |
The ideal role of the media in any given society is to inform the general public on events and issues that affect them. The contemporary society has a variety of media ranging from advertising to broadcast and digital. We also have the electronic, hypermedia and the mass media. It can change opinions because they have access to people and this gives it a lot of strength. This strength can either be used constructively by educating the people or it can be used destructively by misleading the innocent people. Education and discipline is key to progress. This is the difference between a nation and a crowd. Media men have access to people and they have an audience. Their programs have an impact and people listen to them. That's why they are more responsible for the betterment of the society. They should work to educate the people, to help the people and to liberate the people and to empower the people Media plays a very important role in the building of a society. Media has changed the societies of world so much that we can't ignore its importance. First of all we should know what the media is. Media is a source of information or communication. Media includes sources like print media and electronic media. Newspapers, magazines and any other form, which is written or printed, is included in print media and in electronic, media radio, television and Internet etc. are included.In the past when the media was not so strong we were quite ignorant about what is happening around us. But today we come to know very quickly what is happening around us. We have the access to all the international news channels that provide us the facts and figures. Considering this fact that media has the power to influence society, it should know its responsibility towards society. It should feel its responsibility to educate the society in a positive way. It should be giving us fair analysis and factual information. Media has had a bad effect on new generation, mainly because, youth is strongly influenced by media. Teenagers and children wish to follow the people who get recognized and do what they do to get noticed. Sometimes, they focus on bad part of the media and strive to be a part of it. No doubt,media has played significant role in making world a global village and to reduce the communication gaps amongst the people living in the far areas but unfortunately,media these days has become a COMMERCIALIZED SECTOR,eying the news which are hot and good at selling.The goal is to gain the television rating points. Media play an essential role in engaging the citizenry through the two main venues of information and entertainment. News media, in both hard and soft formats, inform us about what is going on, how to understand current events, and what are society’s most pressing issues. Entertainment media, on the other hand, reflect societal interests and thus convey trends, attitudes and popular culture. The media have an increasing social responsibility to citizens at large. A country could not survive without citizens who are informed, and virtuous, or ‘self-governing.’ Media have a huge role in sustaining, or eroding, that kind of citizenry. Press freedom is vital for a well informed and functioning society. No special interests, whether public or private, should be allowed to control or curtail the free press to advance their own narrow interests at the expense of the whole. But freedom has to be properly understood. It comes with a significant responsibility. The media have the responsibility to seek truth and report it, minimize harm, and act independently. Hence, the Media has the responsibility to give readers, viewers and listeners’ accuracy and accountability of information. In addition the media has built into for the most part crucial aspect of our era, influencing every citizen rather it is politics, the law, or other social issues. The media has three roles of responsibilities of regarding the media. They are: 1. Act as mirror of society to inform the people. 2. Bridge communication gaps between different sections of society. 3. Critically analyze public policies, social and cultural issues in the society. |