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what is meant relative vapour density

It is defined as the mass of a gas or vapour compared to air which has an arbitrary value of 1. If the value of relative vapour density (RVD) of a gas is lighter than air and hence will rise. The lighter the gas the faster it rises.

If the value of the RVD is greater than 1 then the gas is heavier than air and will sink.

To calculate the RVD of a gas, 

Example : Air is composed of N2, O2, and Argon
Relative molecular mass of air (RMM):

In air = Nitrogen 78%   Oxygen 21%   Argon 1%
Relative molecular mass of  Nitrogen 28%   Oxygen 32%  Argon 40%

Find relative vapour density  of CO2 :
Relative molecular mass of CO2 :
Relative molecular mass of C = 12
Relative molecular mass  of O = 16


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