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Harmful effects of combustion?How to reduce combustion?

Harmful effects of combustion of fuels:
It  i) releases harmful toxins into the air
   ii) uses up natural resources
   iii) can create smog
    When fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas are burned (usually to produce electricity or to power transport) they release extra carbon that has been stored underground for millions of years. The carbon cycle is unable to cope with all this extra carbon, which (in the form of the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide) joins all the other gases in our atmosphere and enhances the greenhouse effect, which keeps the earth's heat from escaping into space. This enhanced, or accelerated greenhouse effect is causing global warming.

Reduction of combustion pollution:
           Combustion's pollution is caused by ignition, which breaks the chemical bonds within fuels, releasing chemicals (and energy) that are toxic (the kinetic energy is obviously not toxic).
              A definite solution would be to change the type of fuel used, which releases less toxic or ideally non-toxic emissions as a result of burning the fuel, such as hydrogen, biodiesel etc.

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