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Question by anitta 05\10\2012 WHAT IS BALACING EQUATION? EXPLAIN. |
If the number of atoms of any element in a chemical equation is not equal on both sides,then it is a skeleton equation .For example , Mg + HCl ________> MgCl2 +H2 Here the number of chlorine and hydrogen atoms are not equal on both sides . In a balanced equation ,the number of atoms of different elements on both sides of a chemical equation are equal .So the above equation can be balanced as , Mg + 2HCl ________> MgCl2 +H2 The method of balancing a chemical equation Let us consider the formation of water from the combination of oxygen and hydrogen .The following sequential steps be taken to obtain a balanced chemical equation . (i) First write the skeleton equation . H2 +O2 ________> H2O Step 1: Do not change formula of any constituent while balancing the equation . Step 2: The same total of charges should appear on the left and right side of the equation. Step 3 : Make one of the atoms equal on both sides by multiplying a molecule or compound with an integral number so that the desired element is balanced .It is convenient to start with the molecule or compound that contains the maximum number of atoms .It contains one short of oxygen atom and so it is multiplied by 2 as shown . H2 +O2 __________> 2H2O Step 4 : Next examine the effect of this multiplication of the molecule on the balance of other atoms .As is seen ,the oxygen balances but now hydrogen on left is two less So,multiply H2 on the left by 2 2H2 +O2 __________> 2H2O Step 5 : Further count the number of atoms on both sides Right Left H 4 4 O 2 2 So the equation is balanced . |