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A speech on "save the girl child" |
Nearly half of India’s children are girls. However, the girl child is considered a lesser child in our society. Irrespective of class, caste and economic conditions, she is discriminated against and neglected at all the levels. This result in the denial of basic services required for her survival, welfare and development. The girl child is perceived as a burden to be passed on to another family. Her contribution in the household economy is not acknowledged. Various factors contribute towards the increase of offences / crime against women, including dowry deaths, rape, and eve-teasing, etc. The girl child has to be brought up with utmost care and regard by instilling in her the sense of pride and responsibility of nurturing the future generation. Faster development can only be possible by the human resources development. Therefore, our ultimate aim should be improving the lot of the girl child. I sincerely believe that those who do not respect the girl child actually do not respect their own mother and their own sister. I deeply wish that girl child in India be treated equally with the male child. Educate the girl child. She is special, she will be a mother, and she will be a wife like your mother or your wife or your sister appeals to you not to discriminate against the girl child in our country, let us make a promise to educate the girl child, save them from discrimination. |