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The cathode ray tube experiment done by JJ Thompson used a simple apparatus as described below:-

  • The cathode ray tube is an evacuated glass tube in which the air pressure is extremely low, around 10-2to 10-6 Pa.

  • A metal anode and a metal cathode is fixed in the two ends of the cathode ray tube. The anode is connected to the positive terminal of a battery and is thus known as the positive electrode, whereas the cathode is connected to the negative terminal of a battery, thus known as the negative electrode.

  • When a high voltage is applied across the anode and cathode the glass tube starts glowing with a faint fluorescent green color at the end of the anode.

  • It is seen that green colored rays are emitted from the cathode and they flow towards the anode. These rays were named as cathode rays because they were being emitted from the cathode.

Cathode rays going out the cathode.

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