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Essay on watching television is danger for children

TV viewing has really harmed the children. Their mind is the most impressionable one. Anything wrong printed on it, is difficult to remove.Many have to wear spectacles because of weak eyesight due to continuous viewing of TV. The regularity of life suffers a lot. Homework is its victim. Studies are not done properly to save time for TV.I feel strongly that TV viewing exposes the children to an easy life as it is seen in films. But outside, the life is different. Children think that life is like that as is seen in films etc. So this causes frustration at a later stage. The gap between dream (things are shown materializing in a moment in the programmes more popular with children as in a dream) and reality increases and results in disillusionment. So TV viewing is not helping children in making them as responsible and understanding adults. In my opinion, we are giving them an environment which will drift them away from the realities of life. I submit that life is not simply a bed of roses. This will lead to frustration and disillusionment. We, in fact, are weakening the very foundation of our young India by exposing it to TV viewing. There are some reasons why television is bad for children. Lack of interaction between parents and others, more of violence and sexual images, television addiction steals study time and being creative, more isolated, Tent to eat more junk food, No physical activity.  

First of all, Lack of interaction between parents and others. If children sit on front of television they pay less attention to what their parents say or ignore them. For example, my neighbours kid is 4 yrs old, he never replies to his parents talk at the first time. Because he is so involved on his cartoon show that, once i went to their palace and he didn't even noticed i was at their place. Further more, now television cables have hundreds of channels and children's are so much exposed to violence and sexual images. This bad exposure effects a lot to their brain and children tent to imitate whatever they watch or listen. This seriously effects to their growth.

Secondly, Television addition steals children's precious study time and being more creative on painting, drawing, crafts and many more. Television reduces their reading skill and practice. For example reading short story books helps children to gain knowledge and be active. They show interests on other activities and make them less isolated. Isolation makes children less communicative, lack of interests and motivation. According to the pediatrics journal, each hour in-front of television increases child's changes of attention deficit disorder.

Thirdly, Children tent to eat more junk food while watching television. For example, they watch junk food advertisements like sugar candy, soft drinks many more. My neighbours kid is so much addicted to soft drinks, he won't listen to this parents. If parents refuse to give he cries and acts wildly until he gets whatever he asks for. Further more, this in-activeness or isolation leads to no physical activity. Children eat more junk food without any physical activity and become obese. For example, now a days children wants to play video game rather then going out to play with other kids. In my generation we used to play lot of outdoor and indoor games. outdoor games like badminton, cricket, running race, etc. Indoor games like chess, word building games. But this generation children don't even know the names of the sports which our generation used to play.

In conclusion, Watching television is very bad for children's health like eating junks. No communication with outside world like being isolated. No sports activity all these are very dangerous to children's mental and physical growth.

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