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Speech On Importance Of Discipline In daily Life

Discipline is essential in everyday life

Discipline is essential for every group, for every society and for every political institution. Without discipline there can be no society or Government. No nation can exist without discipline. It is discipline that unites man to man, and one society to another. Hence discipline is one of the basic insignia of social life. Discipline has to be observed in speech, in sport and in every kind of relationship. For instance, during bhajans, all those singing in chorus have to maintain the same tune. Discordant singing will jar on the ears. Singing in unison in bhajans is a form of discipline. Discipline must start from the early years, But it is needed not only by students but by elders and
all persons in authority.

Today it is because people do not observe the rules, whether in sports or elsewhere, life has become intolerable. Some persons hold positions of authority in business, in administration or in other institutions. Here also discipline is essential, dust because one holds an office, he cannot behave as he likes. He cannot be free with his tongue. In his words and his writings he should observe restraint. In the use of words, whether in speech or writing, care should be observed regarding their future implications. Your discipline will protect you in whatever you do. Even in a simple matter like walking on the road, many do not observe the rules. They choose to walk on the middle of the road instead of using the pavement. Jaywalking on the road is not only harmful to oneself but is a hindrance to others. Your motto in life should be: Help ever; hurt never. Students should learn the right way of doing things even in ordinary actions like sitting or reading. They should sit erect and keep the spinal column straight.

One of the important elements of discipline is physical purity. This does not merely mean keeping the body clean by a good bath. Real bodily purity calls for involvement in good actions. Good actions and good thoughts lead to purity of mind and the intellect.Another important aspect of discipline is keeping one's plighted word. If discipline is observed in this manner, one can experience the Divine directly. The first requisite is purity of the body.Discipline should govern every action of yours all through the day. Then it becomes Karma Yoga--the Yoga of Action. You must be the master of Karma and act according to Divine commands. This is the way to make education fruitful.

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