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Please give me the format of the following: 1. Notice 2. Diary Entry 3. Message 4. Report 5. Biosketch 6. Data Interpretation 7. Letter 8. Email 9. Article 10. Speech 11. Debate


Heading / Title                    Date

Content –
i) Purpose
ii) Imp Dates, Venue
iii) reward etc
iv) whom to contact
By – Writer’s Name:
Put the date or some sequence information in the diary, maybe at the top of the page. (example: 12-11-2007) Other ways might be 12:11:07, day # 123 of my life, or you can put the year at the corner of the page to show that it all takes place in the year. If all else fails, just write 12:11.
Start with the morning. Describe how it went and do not leave out any detail. If you wanted the day to go better, write how and why. If you have a special grudge against somebody, have no fear in expressing it. Move on to the afternoon, then the evening and finally the night. Always say good night in the end and promise to tell more later.

Message should be placed in a Box.
No address is to be written
Time and Date should be mentioned (on any side)
The name of person for whom the message is meant should be written on the top (left side)
The message should be brief, accurate and clear (30-50 words)
Writer’s Name/Signature must be put at the end of the message. 


The worst tragedy that has ever happened to the earth’s environment is DEFORESTATION or felling or trees for commercial use of wood etc or for use of land. With growing population Deforestation has also increased in order to provide land for housing & industries. Forest lands have been converted to barren arid lands. This has resulted in imbalance in the eco-system. The cycle of seasons has been affected. Summers last for more time of the year. Rains are inadequate which result in scarcity of drinking water. Common people suffer a lot due to this problem. Forest animals have lost their natural habitat; they wander here & there in search of food & shelter. Cutting of trees has resulted in lack of firewood which was easily available earlier. If deforestation continues at this rate the day is not far when our earth would become a hot dry desert where these would be no sign of life.


Select a person you are interested in
Find out the basic facts of the person's life. Start with the encyclopedia and almanac.
Think about what else you would like to know about the person, and what parts of the life you want to write most about. Some questions you might want to think about include:
What makes this person special or interesting?
What kind of effect did he or she have on the world? other people?
What are the adjectives you would most use to describe the person?
What examples from their life illustrate those qualities?
What events shaped or changed this person's life?
Did he or she overcome obstacles? Take risks? Get lucky?
Would the world be better or worse if this person hadn't lived? How and why?
Do additional research at your library or on the Internet to find information that helps you answer these questions and tell an interesting story.
Data interpretation:

Data interpretation problems usually require two basic steps. First, you have to read a chart or graph in order to obtain certain information. Then you have to apply or manipulate the information in order to obtain an answer. These questions often use very specific illustrations, for example the question may present financial data. However, an understanding of finance will not be needed to answer the question. 


Give the message a subject/title. E-mail messages without a subject may not be opened because of a fear of viruses and especially note that it is very easy to forget to type this important information.
Subject contents
Keep the subject short and clear but avoid such headings as:

Start the message with a greeting so as to help create a friendly but business-like tone. The choice of using the other name versus the surname will depend on who you are writing to. If you have communicated with the receiver previously and he/she is at a similar level to you, then the use of the other name would be appropriate. If the receiver is more senior to you, or if you are in doubt, it would be safer (particularly in the first communication) to use the person’s surname/family name together with a title,
Start with a clear indication of what the message is about in the first paragraph.
Give full details in the following paragraph(s).
Make sure that the final paragraph indicates what should happen next.
Any action that you want the reader to do should be clearly described, using politeness phrases.
Make sure you refer, in the main message, to any attachments you are adding and of course make extra sure that you remember to include the attachment(s). As attachments can transmit viruses, try not to use them, unless you are sending complicated documents. Copy-and-paste text-only contents into the body of the e-mail. If you use an attachment, make sure the file name describes the content, and is not too general; e.g. 'message.doc' is bad, but 'QA Report 2014.doc' is good.
End the message in a polite way.


Enquiry letters:
Enquiry letters - describes the content, language and organisation of letters of enquiry. 


A good debate is always good, you hear opposing views on a subject matter to see all different sides of the subject. To write a good debate, find out what, if any, guidelines you need to follow. Pick a subject and do your homework. Write down all the valuable information to show your side of the subject matter in your own words.

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