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can you explain the methods of hybridization |
The process of crossing two or more plants together to get offsprings of new desirable characters as a result of genetic recombination is called Hybridisation. TYPES OF HYBRIDISATION: a)INTRASPECIFIC HYBRIDISATION; Crosses are made between two individuals of same species.This crosses are done to improve self pollinated crops producing homozygosity or pure offspring. b)INTERSPECIFIC HYBRIDISATION: Crosses are made between individual of different varieties of the same species.This crosses are made to improve self pollinated and certain cross pollinated crops. c)INTRAGENERIC HYBRIDISATION: Crosses are made between two individuals of different species belonging to same genera.it is used to produce resistance varieties from diseases ,frost or drought. d)INTERGENERIC HYBRIDISATION: Crosses are made between two individuals of different genera belonging to same fanily.It produces resistance varieties as well as desirable combination of all characters. Eg:Brassica X Raphanus=Raphanusbrassica PROCESS OF HYBRIDISATION: a)SELECTION OF PARENTS: Male and female parents,with desirable characters are selected from the avaible materials.Both the parents should mature at the same time. b)EMASCULATION: Removal of anthers from bisexual flowers before they dehisces or shed their pollen is known as emasculation.It is done in order to prevent self fertilisation.Emasculation is not necessary in the parents are monoecious. c)BAGGING: After emasculation,flower buds are kept enclose in bags made up of cloths,plastic or polythene etc.It is done to prevent pollination through unknown pollen. d)CROSSING: it is an artificial pollination.Pollens are collected from the desirable male flowers.These collected pollens are then dusted on the stigmas of pistils.After crossing the female flowers are bagged again. e)LABELLING: The female parents are then labelled properly.The labelling should bear the following information. i)Serial number ii)Details of male parents and female parents. iii)Date of emasculation and crossing f)HARVESTING: At the end of the season,the fruits and seeds of each cross are separately collected.They are dried and preserved and then sowed to raise the F1 generation. |