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Teacher, In some ripened mangoes, we can see small worms. How do these worms enter the mango? Sometimes the mangoes seems so fresh but when we cut it we can see worms coming out of it/ How is this possible? |
Eggs are laid onto fruit that are about 30 mm in length (or sometimes larger). After the egg is laid the weevil makes a small incision in the fruit skin which the sap flows out and covers the egg glueing it to the surface of the fruit. After the larvae hatch they tunnelthrough the fruit flesh moving directly to the seed, this takes about 1–2 days. Larvae feed inside the seed until they pupate. The emergent adult chews through the hard seed coating within 2 months of fruit fall. Development from egg to adult takes approximately 53 days. There is only one generation per year.Similar to: Other native weevils. Damage: At egg laying, fruit may be covered in many spots of oozing sap. By the time fruit is harvested the egg laying scars and tunnels in the fruit flesh are not noticeable. The only damage is to the seed. |