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what is 3d image? what are the types of 3d glasses?give some example

3D means three-dimensional, i.e. something that has width, height and depth (length).
3D imaging is a process to render a three-dimensional image on a two-dimensional surface by creating the optical illusion of depth. Generally, 3D imaging uses two still or motion camera lenses a slight distance apart to photograph a three-dimensional object. The process effectively duplicates the stereoscopic vision of human eyes. The image is reproduced as two flat images that viewers’ eyes see separately, creating a visual illusion of depth as their brains combine the images into a single one.

  From the stereoscope to anaglyph lenses, from polarized lenses to shutter glasses, 3D glasses have been continually enhanced to gain clearer images and increasingly with better color.  There are three major varieties today: anaglyph 3D glasses, polarized 3D glasses and 3D shutter glasses.

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