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Harmful effects of smoking?

Cigarette smoking is harmful as a single cigarette contains over 4000 chemicals, out of which few are carcinogenic.Cigarette contains nicotine which is a deadly poison.
It also contains hydrogen cyanide,carbon monoxide,ammonia,methane, arsenic etc…Each time one inhales smoke from a cigarette, little quantities of these poisonous chemicals get inside the blood through lungs and travel to all parts of the body and destroy it.
 Smoking lowers the immunity power or resistance, increases wrinkles, stains teeth, increases bad breath, and develops an ashy complexion.
The serious ill-effects of smoking are: - various forms of cancer such as – oral, pancreas, stomach, and lung; emphysema, coronary heart diseases, and chronic bronchitis.
It increases the risk for blood clot and thus smokers are more susceptible to heart attack and heart stroke. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of developing dementia and neurologic diseases. It is also linked to numerous reproductive problems. Smoking causes several negative effects on joints and bones such as it impairs the formation of new bones and smokers are vulnerable to osteoporosis. Smokers tend to develop injuries in the spine and degenerative disorders.

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