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Fuel Cells A fuel cell is an electrochemical energy device that produces electricity and heat. To do this it uses hydrogen as a fuel to combine with the oxygen in the air, converting it into water while producing the heat and electricity. It is much like a battery, except that a fuel cell does not run down or require recharging like a battery. It recharges itself while we drawing power. Hydrogen is commonly available in fuels like propane and natural gas. Fuel cells also use other fuels containing hydrogen, the most abundant element on the Earth. Fuels that contain hydrogen include: Methanol Ethanol Natural gas Gasoline Diesel fuel Today, the energy required to make hydrogen can be supplied by wind, solar power, biomass and even gas from landfills and wastewater treatment plants. These are known as renewable fuels. Hydrogen made from these renewable fuels is a clean and abundant energy source. When used in a fuel cell, the only emission created is water - no burning or combustion therefore no pollutants! The water can be electrolyzed to make more hydrogen which supplies more fuel. |