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how thunderstorms became cyclone? |
Thunderstorms are severe atmospheric disturbances accompanied by very strong, high-speed winds. Thunderstorms are whether conditions characterised by thunder, lightning and heavy rain. They occur due to the convection of air in hot and humid tropical areas. As the air near the earth's surface warms up, it rises. This results in strong upward rising winds which carry moisture with them. The moisture condenses into water droplets in the cooler, upper regions of the atmosphere. The water droplets fall down as rain or freeze and fall as hail. The rising air and the rapidly falling water droplets and ice crystals collide with each other and produce static electric charges. As a result the clouds get charged. When electric discharge occurs between the clouds or between a cloud and the ground, lightning occurs. The lightning heats up the air in its path very quickly and this results in a loud sound which we hear as thunder. Cyclone A cyclone is a natural calamity caused by difference in air pressure in the atmosphere. It is a violently rotating wind storm. It develops over the sea and may move over the land causing great damage. Cyclones begin as thunderstorms and later develop into cyclones. They are associated with strong winds, heavy rains and tidal waves. In tropical regions like India, thunderstorms are common, but very few thunderstorms become cyclones. In India, the eastern coast is more vulnerable to cyclones than the western coast. In different parts of the world, cyclones are known differently. For example, in America, a cyclone is referred to as a hurricane, while in Philippines and Japan it is called a typhoon.The largest tropical cyclone recorded was Typhoon Tip that struck Japan in 1979. At its peak strength, the diameter of its eye wall was 2220 kilometres. The wind speeds were recorded at 305 kilometres per hour. |