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I have a project in politics on the topic 'Fundamental Rights'.Can you please give some information about this topic.

The Part III of the Constitution of India gives a detailed description on a charter of rights called the ‘Fundamental Rights.The Fundamental Rights in Indian constitution acts as a guarantee that all Indian citizens can and will live their lifes in peace as long as they live in Indian democracy. They include individual rigts common to most liberal democracies, such as equality before the law, freddom of speech and expression, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, and the right to constitutional remedies for the protection of civil right.

Originally, the right to property was also included in the Fundamental Rights, however, the Forty-Fourth Amendment, passed in 1978, revised the status of property rights by stating that "No person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law."

Following are the Fudamental Rights in India

Right to Equality
Article 14 :- Equality before law and equal protection of law
Article 15 :- Prohibition of discrimination on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.
Article 16 :- Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment
Article 17 :- End of untouchability
Article 18 :- Abolition of titles, Military and academic distinctions are, however, exempted

Right to Freedom
Article 19 :- It guarantees the citizens of India the following six fundamentals freedoms:-
Freedom of Speech and Expression
Freedom of Assembly
Freedom of form Associations
Freedom of Movement
Freedom of Residence and Settlement
Freedom of Profession, Occupation, Trade and Bussiness

Article 20 :- Protection in respect of conviction for offences
Article 21 :- Protection of life and personal liberty
Article 22 :- Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases

Right Against Exploitation

Article 23 :- Traffic in human beings prohibited
Article 24 :- No child below the age of 14 can be employed

Right to freedom of Religion
Article 25 :- Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion
Article 26 :- Freedom to manage religious affairs
Article 27 :- Prohibits taxes on religious grounds
Article 28 :- Freedom as to attendance at religious ceremonies in certain educational institutions

Cultural and Educational Rights

Article 29 :- Protection of interests of minorities
Article 30 :- Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions
Article 31 :- Omitted by the 44th Amendment Act

Right to Constitutional Remedies
Article 32 :- The right to move the Supreme Court in case of their violation (called Soul and heart of the Constitution by BR Ambedkar)

Forms of Writ
Habeas Corpus (meaning - you may have the body) : To release a person who has been detained unlawfully, whether in prison or in private custody.

Mandamus (meaning - we command) : To secure the performance of public duties by a lower court, tribunal or public authority, which they fail to do on their own.

Certiorari (meaning - to be certified) : To quash an order already passed by a lower court, tribunal or quasi-judicial authority.

Prohibition: To prohibit an inferior court from continuing the proceedings in a case when it is outside their jurisdiction. 

Quo warranto: (meaning - what is your authority) : To restrain a person from holding a public office to which he is not entitled. 

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