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Why is it not possible for a man to walk in space??

Space travel is a form of travel in which passengers enter space, the vast region outside the protective envelope of the Earth's atmosphere. Space starts 62 miles (100 kilometers) above the Earth's crust, at a point called the Karman Line, and it continues for a distance that appears to be infinite, interrupted periodically by celestial bodies such as stars, planets, and so forth.
In the 20th century, travel in space was restricted to astronauts who worked for various governments, and it was primarily performed for research purposes. It allowed people to collect samples from the Moon, maintain space telescopes such as the Hubble Telescope, and eventually to perform research on the International Space Station, a structure that orbits the Earth and houses astronauts from several nations at any given time.

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, also known as "The Columbus of The Cosmos," is a hero of the Soviet Union born on 9 March 1934. Gagarin was the first man to venture into space when in 1961 he orbited the Earth aboard Vostok 1. The flight took 108 minutes and was considered by many at the time, the greatest human achievement in history.

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