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common features between democratic and non-democratic country

The term “democracy” has been derived from the two Latin words Demo (people) and Kratos (power) which signifies that it is a type of government which is by the people, of the people and for the people. The countries that have a democratic government hold elections and through them people select their interested candidates for the government. These elections are mostly free and independent. The general public can vote for anybody whom they like. The people’s representatives go to the parliament and then they become the rule making party of the country. Mainly there are two types of democracies can be seen. Direct democracy allows all the eligible citizens to have control and power over the government and in decision making. In contrast, democratic republic or representative democracy entertains elected candidates of the general public and only they have the power over the government and ruling. However, most of the democratic countries are democratic republics. Another significant feature in democracy is that the majority gets the ruling power over the other parties. That means when there are more than one party for an election, the party that contains the higher number of elected candidates will get the ruling authority.
Non- democratic governments do not have democracy but have other ruling methods. For example, dictatorships, aristocratic ruling, socialism, communism, authoritarianism, military power and so on. In these types of non-democratic ruling systems, the interests of the general public are not taken into consideration. When only one individual rules the whole country, it is called as an absolute monarchy. When the power is held by only a few number of people, it is called oligarchy. The equality, freedom and interests of common people are not considered significant in these types of government systems.

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