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how can the workers in unorganised sector be protected?explain

Unorganised sector refers to small working units which does not come under the control of government. Since they do not follow any rules of government, workers are exploited in aspects of low wages, leave, working hours etc. In order to support workers in this sector, Government should intervene and should introduce schemes for the benefits. In rural areas, farmers, landless labourers, blacksmiths, weavers etc fall under this category and Government should provide them with adequate and essential facilities like providing the money through loans from cooperatives in order to buy farm inputs in time. Also urban areas, small scale industries which generate employment to certain sections of people should be supported by the Government in order to procure necessary raw materials on time and also marketing of final output. The casual workers in construction,trade and transport sector should also be provided by forming associations that support them for their basic needs like proper wages, risk benefits according to the conditions of workplace they are in.

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