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Q:What is an ore?Where are the ores of metallic minerals generally found?

An ore is a material that contains a metal in such quantities that it can be mined and worked commercially to extract that metal. The metal is usually contained in chemical combination with some other element in addition to various impurities. An ore is a special type of rock that contains a large enough amount of a particular mineral (usually a metal) to make it economically practical to extract that mineral from the surrounding rock.
Haematite ,Fe2O3(red oxide of iron)
Limonite , Fe2O3.3H20(hydrated oxide of iron)
Magnetite , (magnetic oxide of Iron)
Siderite or Spathic ore (FeCo3)
Iron Pyrite (FeS2)

Zinc Blende (ZnS )
Calamine (ZnCo3)
Zincite (ZnO)

The chief ore of Al is Bauxite or aluminum oxide
Bauxite Al2O3.2H20

The chief ore of Lead is Casseterite or tinstone
Casseterite ( SnO2)

Galena (PbS) 

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