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different parts of circle


In geometry, a circle is a closed curve formed by a set of points on a plane that are the same distance from its center O. That distance is known as the radius of the circle. 


The diameter of a circle is a line segment that passes through the center of the circle and has its endpoints on the circle. All the diameters of the same circle have the same length. 


A chord is a line segment with both endpoints on the circle. The diameter is a special chord that passes through the center of the circle. The diameter would be the longest chord in the circle.


The radius of the circle is a line segment from the center of the circle to a point on the circle. The plural of radius is radii.


An arc is a part of a circle.


In the diagram above, the part of the circle from B to C forms an arc.

An arc can be measured in degrees.

In the circle above, arc BC is equal to the angle BOC that is 45°.


A tangent is a line that touches a circle at only one point. A tangent is perpendicular to the radius at the point of contact. The point of tangency is where a tangent line touches the circle.

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