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which are the tow types of skelitiel system? |
The skeleton is defined as that part of the body which forms the supporting framework of the body and give a proper shape to the body. A skeleton can be anything from microscopic fibers such as the skeleton of the cell (cytoskeleton), to a well developed system of bones, joints and cartilages, as occurs in human beings. In animals there are three major types of skeleton. These are; 1. Hydrostatic skeleton 2. Endoskeleton 3. Exoskeleton Hydrostatic skeleton The coelom is filled with a fluid which acts as a kind of skeleton, and this skeletal system is called the hydrostatic skeleton. It provides support and helps in locomotion. The body of sea anemone is surrounded by muscle fibers and tentacles which surround its mouth. Exoskeleton The exoskeleton is that type of skeleton which lies outside the soft parts of the body providing a covering to them. It is, in the form of hard and rigid plates composed of dead substance secreted by cells. Familiar examples of this type of skeleton are thus found in the insect, the horny scales, feathers and hairs. Endoskeleton Endoskeleton develops within the skin or in the deeper tissues. The vertebrate skeleton is basically an endoskeleton made up of two types of tissues; bone and cartilage. During early embryonic development the endoskeleton, is composed of notochord and cartilage. The notochord in most vertebrates is replaced by vertebral column and the cartilage is replaced by bone in most adults. The endoskeleton gives shape and support to the body and provides a mean of locomotion. |