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Pls give short notes on greenhouse effect(advantages&disadvantages),global warming,acid rain..? |
Green house effect
: Greenhouse effect is concerned with the infrared
radiation given off by the earth .Part of the radiation is absorbed by the
atmosphere .The gases in the atmosphere that absorb infrared light are H2O
, CO2 ,O3 ,NO2and
CH4.These gases act as as insulating blanket for the earth .Also
they would act to lessen heat loss from a green house. So it is called green
house gas effect .Sun radiates solar energy on earth .The larger part of this
energy is radiated back into space. Green house gases in
the atmosphere contributes to global warming by adsorption
.Green house effect provide earth warm enough for human to live and
grow food .Green house effect opppositely affect climate also results rising
temperatures ,rising sea levels and change weather patterns .
Global warming
: Global warming is the rise
in average temperature of earth's atmosphere Warming of the climate
system is unequivocal and it is mostly caused by increasing concentration of
green house gases produced by human activity such as burning of fossil fuels,deforestration etc . Advantages of global
warming : (i) In frozen regions on earth's such as Arctic ,Antartic ,Siberia and other frozen regions experience more plant growth and milder climate (ii) It also causes less needs for energy consumption to warm cold places (iii) It also causes less needs for energy consumption to warm cold places (iv) It oppositely affect on world climate and also cause food shortage . (v) Because of this , deserts gets dried
leaving to increased desertification.
(vi) Global warming also
cause disease in human and animal cells ,loss of habitats ,increased air
pollution etc .