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explain conductors and insulators using examples. |
Conductors are the substances through which electric charges can flow easily. For example, the electrons of the outer shells of metallic atoms are loosely bound to the nucleus. These electrons are quite free to move. So metals have high electrical conductivity.All the metals like silver,copper and aluminium,etc are conductors.The metal alloys such as nichrome,manganin and constantan (which are used for making heating elements of electric appliances) are also conductors but their electrical conductivity is much less than that of pure metals.Carbon ,in the form of graphite,is also a conductor.The human body is a fairly good conductor. Insulators are the substances through which electric charges cannot move freely. In insulators, the electrons are tightly bound to the nucleus and cannot move away from it. As the electric charges cannot move freely in insulators, so they are poor conductor of electricity.Glass,ebonite,rubber,most plastics,paper,dry wood,cotton,mica,bakelite,porcelain,and dry air,are all insulators because they do not allow electric charges (electriciy) to flow through them |