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When rocks get exposed to wind ,rain heat and frost ,they break apart and crumble to form soil over a period of time .This process is known as weathering so weathering leads to the formation of soil .

(i) Frost and water   :   After it rains ,water gets trapped in cracks and crevices inside rocks. In cold weather ,the trapped water freezes and expands ,this causes rocks to crack and break into pieces .Continuous movement of water over the broken pieces further breaks them to ultimately form the soil .

(ii)  Temperature changes  :   During the day the rocks get heated up and expand .At night they cool and contract .This repeated contracted and expansion of rocks results in breaking of rocks into pieces and formation of soil .

(iii) Wind                        :    Wind blowing across rocks surface rubs against them and breaks away tiny particles of rocks .These particles are carried to great distances by wind and broken down to form soil .

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