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what is electrode potential? |
Electrode potential is the electromotive force of a cell built of two electrodes .On the left hand side is the standard hydrogen electrode and on the right hand side is the electrode the potential of which is being defined . By convention ,Ecell = Ecathode -Eanode From this for the cell with the standard hydrogen electrode we get Ecell = Eright - 0 =Eelectrode Electrode potential is measured in volts (V) Illustration: There are two types of electrodes positively charged and negatively chargedTo understand this ,let us consider a metal -metal ion electrode .A metal -metal ion electrode can be obtained by dipping a rod or strip of the metal into a solution containing its ions ,Example a metal M dipped into a solution containing Mn+ ions . When a strip of a metal M is placed in a solution of its ions Mn+ ,either of the following three possibilities can occur . 1. A metal ion Mn+ collides with the electrode and undergoes no change . 2. A metal ion Mn+ collide with the electrode ,gains n electrons and get converted into a metal atom M that is metal ion is reduced ) 3.A metal atom on the electrode M may lose n electrons to the electrode it gets oxidised to Mn+ that is metal atom is oxidised . M(s) ______> Mn+ (aq) +n e- Let us take the three situations one by one . 1.When neither the metal atom nor the metal ion Mn+undergo any change .In such a situation no charge is dveloped on the electrode reletive to the solution . 2.When the metal Mn+ undergoes reduction at the electrode surface by accepting electrons from the electrode ,then the lectrode develops a positive charge . 3.When the metal atom of the electrode loses n electrons to the elecrode ,it gets oxidised to Mn+ .The Mn+ ion so formed goes into the solution ,and the electrode develops a negative charge .Thus if the metal ion Mn+ has a greater tendency towards reduction at the electrode ,then the electrode develops a positive charge and if the the metal has greater tendency towards oxidation then the electrode develops negative charge due to the accumulation of electrons in the electrode .As a result ,the electrode develops a definite electrical potential with respect to the solution .The potential difference between the electrode and the solution is termed as the electrode potential . |