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What are the different types of motion?

Types of Motion
The various types of motion are
Rectilinear motion
Rectilinear motion is the motion of an object that moves in a straight line.
For example, a train moving on a track, a parade, coins tossed in the air are all in rectilinear motion.

Circular motion
Circular motion is the motion of an object that moves at a fixed distance from a fixed point. Here, all objects rotate in circular motion. So, circular motion is motion in which the body traverses a circular path. The hands of a clock, a merry-go-round, the blades of a fan, the wheel of a moving vehicle, satellites, a spinning top, are all good examples of circular motion.

Periodic motion
Periodic motion is motion that repeats itself at regular intervals of time. Every body executing circular motion can be said to be executing periodic motion. For example, the pendulum of a wall clock moves at regular intervals, the bells in a church, a bouncing ball, a vibrating string and a swinging cradle are all in periodic motion.

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