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The sounds of frequencies higher than 20,000 hertz are known as 'ultrasonic sounds' or ultra sounds.Thus,ultra sonic sounds are very high frequency sounds.

Uses of Ultrasound

1)Ultrasound is used in industry to clean 'hard to reach' parts of objects such as spiral tubes,odd- shaped machines and electronic components, etc.

2) Ultrasound is used to investigate the internal organs of the human body such as liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidneys, uterus and heart, etc.

3)Ultrasound is used in industry for detecting flaws(cracks,etc) in metal blocks without damaging them.

4)Ultrasound scans are used to monitor the development of fetus(unborn baby) inside the mother's uterus.

5)Ultrasound is used to break kidney stones into fine grains(which then get flushed out with urine)

6)Ultra sound is used in 'sonar' apparatus to measure the depth of sea(or ocean); and to locate under-sea objects like shoal of fish,shipwrecks,submarines,sea-rocks and hidden ice-bergs in the sea.

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