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what is the reason to begin II world war? |
The Second World War started in 1939 and ended in 1945. It was an inevitable one due to many factors. i) The terms of the Treaty of Versailles: The terms of the treaty of Versailles practically cut the size of Germany and imposed severe restrictions. The Germans felt humiliated. They were waiting to take revenge on England, France and Russia. ii) Aggressive Nationalism: Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan followed aggressive nationalism. iii) Ideological conflicts: Countries like America, England and France followed democracy. Germany, Italy and Japan supported dictatorships. iv) Economic competition : To get ray materials and new markets, the big powers of Europe entered into economic competition. Italy occupied Abyssinia. Hitler regained the lost territories. Japan invaded some parts of China. v) Arms Role: Italy, Germany and Japan increased their military power and arms. Modern technology also helped in manufacturing lethal weapons. Their army strength caused worry to England and France. vi) Failure of League of Nations: League of Nations failed in taking action against the countries, which started aggression. It remained a dull spectator. vii) The immediate cause: To smash the Polish Corridor, Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939 and thus started the Second World War. |