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Dogs can see colours, but not like human beings.They have two cones types,they can distinguish colors like red-green color blind people can. This means they can see colors, but they can't tell the difference between red and green.Dogs not only see in shades of gray but also can see distinct colors contrary to what most people belief. Only about 90 years later distinct researches have shown that dogs can perceive colors. Neitz, Geist and Jacobs researched in 1989 the color vision of domestic dogs and found the following facts: Dogs have two different color receptors in their eyes and therefore are dichromats. One color receptor peaks at the blue-violet range, the other at the yellow-green range. Conclusion: Dogs are green-blind which is one form of red-green color blindness also called deuteranopia. Dogs are colorblind because of their dichromatic color vision. As dogs only have two different color receptors in their eyes they have problems to distinguish certain colors: Red — Orange — Green Greenish Blue — Gray Different shades of Purple. |