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explain hyberdisation |
Hybridization is the process of crossing two genetically different individuals to result in a third individual with a different, often preferred, set of traits. Plants of the same species cross easily and produce fertile progeny. The most frequently employed plant breeding technique is hybridization. The aim of hybridization is to bring together desired traits found in different plant lines into one plant line via cross- pollination. The first step is to generate homozygous inbred lines. This is normally done by using self-pollinating plants where pollen from male flowers pollinates female flowers from the same plants. Once a pure line is generated, it is outcrossed, i. e. combined with another inbred line. Then the resulting progeny is selected for combination of the desired traits. If a trait from a wild relative of a crop species, e.g. resistance against a disease, is to be brought into the genome of the crop, a large quantity of undesired traits (like low yield, bad taste, low nutritional value) are transferred to the crop as well. These unfavorable traits must be removed by time-consuming back-crossing, i. e. repeated crossing with the crop parent. There are two types of hybrid plants: interspecific and intergeneric hybrids. Beyond this biological boundary, hybridization cannot be accomplished due to sexual incompatibility, which limits the possibilities of introducing desired traits into crop plants. Heterosis is an effect which is achieved by crossing highly inbred lines of crop plants. Inbreeding of most crops leads to a strong reduction of vigor and size in the first generations. |