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On February 22 (March 7, New Style) a large metalworking plant in Putilov closed its doors, forcing many out of work due to a wage dispute. The next day numerous riots broke out due to anti-government sentiments, food shortages, and street demonstrations. Citizens were upset because of a shortage of bread that forced wives to stand in the cold street for hours, many times leaving without having received anything for their efforts. To add to the growing throngs of people, women went to the streets in celebration of Women's Day, which was celebrated by the Socialists. As days passed, more and more people joined the rioters and the government gave orders to the military to stop the dissenters. As the chaos grew, the orders called for more violent action to be taken and guns were used. However, some soldiers could not bring themselves to shoot the citizens. Instead, many soldiers decided to join the strikes and the military lost its control of the situation. As the deserters joined the throngs, the remaining soldiers had to go into hiding, in order to be out of the way of the angry strikers. |