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1.Samudragupta did not annex the kingdoms of the Dccan and the far south. give reason? |
Then Samudragupta marched against the South Indian monarchs. The Allahabad Pillar inscription mentions that Samudragupta defeated twelve rulers in his South Indian Expedition. He passed through the forest tracts of Madhya Pradesh, crossed the Odisha coast, marched through Ganjam, Vishakapatnam, Godavari, Krishna and Nellore districts and may have reached as far as Kancheepuram Samudragupta’s policy in South India was different. He did not destroy and annex those kingdoms. Instead, he defeated the rulers but gave them back their kingdoms. The rulers only had to pay annual tributes. He only insisted on them to acknowledge his suzerainty. With the wide range of conquests, controlling the south kingdoms from his capital directly was not possible. So he did not annex these kingdoms and only insisted to accept him as his landlord. |