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what r the causes of the declined trent of grain production.

Climate change has emerged as an important
determinant, particularly in the recent past. In India before
economic reforms government was providing a lot of subsidies
over the inputs that made the purchase of inputs affordable for
the farmer which helps in fighting against the climate change.
But after the economic reforms high rise in the prices of inputs of
agricultural production has made it difficult for the farmers to
purchase the inputs in right amount and vulnerability of
agriculture to climate change has increased and it is expected that
agriculture sector in India will be negatively affected.
The growth rate in the food grains production and productivity
has decelerated when India entered in the era of globalization.
The growth rate production of food grains is 2.80 per cent per
annum in pre reform period which declined to 1.98 per cent in
post reform period. The situation is more worsen in case of
growth rate of rice and wheat. The growth rate in productivity of
food grains is slightly improved in post reform period over the
pre reform period but in case of rice and wheat productivity, the
result is quite opposite.

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